
About Us

A Velonet é uma empresa de TI genuinamente angolana. Nosso objetivo é oferecer soluções tecnológicas que reduzam os custos e aumentem a produtividade das empresas. Há cerca de 20 anos a atuar no mercado nacional, conquistamos a confiança e a credibilidade junto aos nossos clientes, através de uma filosofia de negócios que preza pelo atendimento de excelência. A experiência acumulada em infraestrutura de TI apoiada em diversos fabricante como: Cisco, Microsoft, VMware, Checkpoint, Palo Alto, Symantec, Veem Backup, Fortinet, Dell, HP, IBM, NetApp, Huawei, Oracle, dentre outros garantem a entrega de todos os projetos desenvolvidos por nossa equipe.

What We Do

Mantemos e entregamos projetos de pequeno e grande porte com excelência através da especialização da nossa equipe em diversos segmentos incluindo Segurança da Informação, Redes de Computadores, Colaboração(VoIP), Datacenter e Desastre recovery, Base de Dados, Monitoramento (NOC), Sistemas Operacionais e virtualização Windows e Linux, Servidores, Storage, Service desk, dentre outros.

Our History

Headquartered in the Talatona region of Luanda (ANGOLA), Velonet, along with other technology companies, contributed to bring new technologies to banking. We have been in the market since 2003, serving clients such as Banco BAI, Banco BIC, Banco Sol, Banco KEVE, MFPV Real Estate Incorporator, among others.

Between 2004-2008 and 2008-2014, a partnership with Cisco Systems – the world’s largest communications equipment company.

In 2015, we actively cooperate in the installation of the CISCO Academy at the Integrated Center for Technological Training – CINFOTEC. The course covers the areas of planning, implementation, management and security of computer networks.

We also worked with AAPSI (Angolan Association of Internet Service Providers) to contribute to the improvement of IXP (Internet Exchange Point) in order to optimize traffic between Internet providers in the country.

Since 2016 every year, we have participated in the Forum of the Angolan Association of Internet Service Providers (AAPSI), with a workshop on Routing & Switching to technically train young professionals.


Provide technological solutions to reduce costs and increase the productivity of our customers.


Become a reference company in technological solutions for the Angolan corporate sector.


Professionalism, transparency, honesty, proactivity, commitment, solidarity and social responsibility.